Forex Trader s Guide til Pris Action. I løpet av de siste månedene har vi publisert flere artikler om temaet Pris Action, som er studien av en av de mest rene indikatorene som er tilgjengelige for handelsmenn Price. With kunnskap om pris handling, handlende kan utføre et bredt spekter av tekniske analysefunksjoner uten at det er behov for indikatorer. Kanskje viktigere kan prishandlingen bistå handelsmenn med risikostyring om denne ledelsen oppretter gode risikopremier for potensielle oppsett eller effektivt styrer stillinger etter handel er åpnet. Denne artikkelen er en av hovedmålene for alle prisaktive studier som vi har publisert så langt lærerhandlere for å analysere og karakterisere trender, inngå handler på 6 forskjellige måter med ulike oppsett og styre risiko mens du ser på støtte og eller motstand. Før vi går inn i de enkelte elementene i prishandlingen, er det noen viktige poeng å etablere. Det første analysen som handelsmenn ofte vil fokusere på jeg s å diagnostisere trenden eller mangelen derav, for å se hvor det kan oppstå noen oppfatlige forstyrrelser eller hvordan følelser utspiller seg på tiden. I Pris Handling Introduksjon vi så på hvordan handelsmenn kan legge merke til høyere høyder og høyere nedgang i valutapar for å betegne trender eller nedre nedganger og lavere høyder for å kvalifisere nedtrender. Skjemaet nedenfor vil illustrere mer detaljert. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. Etter trenden har blitt analysert, og prishandleren har en ide for følelser på diagrammet , og trenden i valutaparet er det på tide å lete etter bransjer. Det er ganske mange forskjellige måter å gjøre det på, og vi har publisert ganske mange ressurser på emnet. I pris Action Pin Bars vi undersøkte en av de mest populære Lysestaker oppsett tilgjengelig, hvilke handelsmenn vil vanligvis ringe en Pin Bar Pin Bar er uthevet av den langstrakte wick som stikker ut fra pris handling Bildet nedenfor vil vise en pin bar i større detalj. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. Vi tok dette et skritt videre i hvordan man handler falsk pin Barer som vi så på hvordan handelsmenn kan handle stearinlys som viser lange wicks som ikke stikker ut fra prishandlinger Dette er hvor trendanalyse kan gi stor hjelp til å sette inn de første risikostoppene og begrensningene Følgende bilde viser hvordan en handelsmann kanskje vil å spille en Falsk Pin Bar. Created av J Stanley. Periods av overbelastning eller konsolidering kan også brukes av handelsfolk bruker pris handling I Trading Double-Spikes vi så på dobbel bunn eller dobbel topp formasjon som er populær over markeder Vi så på to forskjellige måter å spille Double-Spikes på, begge disse vi har skissert i de følgende 2 diagrammene. Vi så på Double-Spike breakout for tilfeller der handelsfolk forventer at støtten eller motstanden som har to ganger truet pris kan bli ødelagt med styrke Double-Spike breakout er plottet nedenfor. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. Og for situasjoner der handelsfolk forventer at støtte eller motstand fortsetter å bli respektert, kan Double-Spike Fade være m malm innkvarterende. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. På emnet for overbelastning, et annet veldig populært oppsett som vi diskuterte var Trading Price Action Triangles. Selv om det er forskjellige typer trekanter, ser de fleste handelsfolk å handle disse perioder ved å forutse en breakout. Triangle, hvor prisen har respektert et horisontalt støttenivå, samtidig som det gir en down-ward-skrå trendlinje. Relatert er den stigende trekant som er fremhevet med en oppovergående trendlinje. I begge tilfeller ser handelsfolk ofte ut til å spille breakouts av det horisontale støtte eller motstandsnivå denne horisontale linjen er støtte for synkende trekanter og motstand for stigende trekanter. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. Hvis det ikke finnes horisontal støtte eller motstand, kan handelsfolk se på en symmetrisk trekant som legger til et komplikasjonselement siden det er ingen horisontale nivåer for å se for å spille breakouts Følgende illustrasjon viser et symmetrisk triangeloppsett, sammen med hvordan a trader kan se for å handle it. Created av J Stanley. And for perioder der markedet er å strekke artikkelen Hvordan analysere og handelskala med pris handling gikk over emnet i detalj. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. In Pris Action Swings vi identifisert sving-høyder og sving-lows som handelsmenn kan bruke til å identifisere komfortable områder med å sette stopper eller limits. Created av J Stanley. And selvfølgelig, i en up-trend. Created av J Stanley. We tok dette et skritt videre i artikkel Slik identifiserer du positive risikobelønningsgrader med prishandling, slik at forhandlere kan analysere de relevante svingene for å avgjøre hvorvidt den potensielle handelen gitt sine styringsparametre ville være garantert. Utarbeidet av J Stanley. Og selvfølgelig, når vi er i handel, styring av fortjeneste er et tema for viktig overveielse. Vi så på akkurat det i Trading Trends by Trailing Stopper med Price Swings Følgende bilde vil illustrere dette konseptet ytterligere. Utarbeidet av J Stanley .--- Skrevet av James B Stanley. Du kan følge ja mes på Twitter JStanleyFX. For å bli med James Stanleys distribusjonsliste, vennligst klikk her. DailyFX gir forex nyheter og teknisk analyse om trender som påvirker de globale valutamarkedene. Nick s Forex Blog. I dagens analyse ser jeg en sterk oppsettdannelse på USDCADs daglige diagram AUDUSD ser også ut til å ha et oppsett som dannes hver dag, men ikke så sterkt. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. Ingen oppsett i dag, men jeg diskuterer de siste ukene mislykkede oppsett og forklarer å miste streker i Forex. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dagens analyse analyserer jeg videre på AUDNZD-handel som utløste i går kveld, den pågående GBPUSD-handelen, og et potensielt kommende USDCAD-oppsett. USDCAD-oppsettet ser veldig bra ut, så vær nøye med det. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen slik at du kan få n otified så snart videoen går live Abonner på YouTube. I dagens analyse ser vi flere oppsett av varierende styrker AUDNZD viser et sterkt kort oppsett som ennå ikke har utløst jeg har lagt inn oppføringen min og stopper i analysen GBPUSD har en risikofylt lang oppsett, men ligger for øyeblikket på sterk støtte Til slutt har EURUSD og GBPJPY begge svakere oppsett, men det er fortsatt verdt å holde øye med dem. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på til YouTube. I dagens analyse finner jeg potensielle oppsett på de fleste NZD-par. NZDCAD, NZDUSD og NZDJPY viser alle potensielle lange handler. Mens EURNZD viser potensiell kort, nærmer AUDNZD sterk motstand, der en kort reversering kan skje. Ikke glem å abonner på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan få beskjed så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dag diskuterer jeg gårdsdagens mislykkede EURGBP-korthandel, og jeg ser på noen sterk støtte og motstand o n EURAUD, USDJPY og USDCAD Disse områdene kan føre til gode reverseringer på mandag. Sjekk ut videoen for full analyse. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dag, prisen nærmer seg noen svært sterke støtte - og motstandsområder. Jeg ser på 1 6240 på GBPAUD for en kort reversering. Den 114 60 på USDJPY for en kort reversering og 0 7060 på NZDUSD for en lang reversering. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube Kanal slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dag har vi flere sterke oppsett. Både EURJPY og CHFJPY er svært korrelerte og viser et tilsvarende sterkt kort oppsett på 12-timers diagrammet. Dette er ikke bare sittende motstand, Det treffer også en sterk trendlinje. USDCAD-oppsettet ser også veldig bra ut, men vær oppmerksom på at CAD-renteutlysningen er ute i dag, og det kan påvirke dette oppsettet. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalene El, så du kan få beskjed så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dagens analyse har vi et oppsett på AUD NZD forming. Motstandsområdet som det for tiden er satt på, har en historie om å være sterk og pålitelig, så Hold øye med denne handelen og sørg for å angi eventuelle prisalarmer hvis du ikke trenger å glemme å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan få beskjed så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. Vi har en flott reversering fortsettelse oppsett som har dannet seg på NZDUSD, er dette oppsettet veldig nært å utløse, så sjekk det ut raskt. Jeg forklarer oppføringen min, stopper og mål i detalj mot slutten av analysevideoen. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan få varslet så snart videoen går live Abonner på YouTube. I dag har vi to potensielle oppsett en USDCHF kort forming på 12 timer og en EURUSD lang formgivning på dagtid. Se analysen for en detaljert sammenbrudd. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen så du kan Bli varslet så snart videoen går live Abonner på YouTube. Det er et langt reverseringsoppsett som dannes på EURCAD. Oppsettet er ikke bra, men det er verdt å holde øye med at EURUSD sitter på toppen av et sterkt støtteområde, men vi har men for å se ubesluttsblanket etter siste nedslag, mistenker jeg at vi snart vil se det, så se 1 0570 tett for en bullish reversering. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på til YouTube. I dag har jeg revidert den potensielle AUDCAD-handelen som ble oppdaget i går. Dessverre kom jeg over ingen oppsett på dagens diagrammer. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dagens analyse finner jeg tre par som viser sterke, lovende tegn på oppsett, så sørg for å holde øye med GBPUSD, AUDCAD og CADJPY Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live Sub skribent til YouTube. I dagens analyse finner jeg en potensiell AUDCAD lang handel. Vi har hatt en rekke oppsett utløser over natten, som analyseres i videoen, så vær sikker på å se etter eventuelle handler du måtte ha skrevet inn. Dette gjør det imidlertid, la oss bare ha noen få nye oppsett for i dag. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan få beskjed så snart videoen går live. Abonner på YouTube. I dagens analyse finner jeg to mulige oppsett, en NZD USD kort og en CAD JPY kort CAD JPY kort ser ganske bra ut, og jeg kan bytte den på 12-timersskjemaet NZD USD-korten dannes hver dag, så den tidligste det vil utløse er etter 22 00 GMT Denne analysevideoen var ødelagt, og jeg var bare i stand til å gjenopprette halvparten Den gode nyheten er at halvdelen som gikk tapt, var ganske kjedelig, og jeg fikk ikke se noen oppsett, slik at du ikke savner mye. Ikke glem å abonnere på YouTube-kanalen, slik at du kan bli varslet så snart videoen går live Abonner på YouTube. For enkle måter å bli ome en bedre pris handling Trader. Pris Action er en form for teknisk analyse som fokuserer utelukkende på tidligere priser som har handlet i markedet. Denne artikkelen inneholder en enkel og kompleks metode for nye handelsmenn å begynne å lære pris handling. Denne studien kan være videreført i live-sesjonene på DailyFX, hvor analytikere og instruktører forklarer pristiltak i ekte markedsforhold. En av mine favorittfraser som skal brukes i webinarer, er som følger. Prisaktion er min favorittindikator, fordi den er den eneste som aldri vil fortelle Jeg er en løgn. Og dette er sant, men kanskje litt ugjennomsiktig for nye handelsmenn, eller til og med erfarne forhandlere som ikke har funnet studiet av prishandling. Studiet av prishandling innebærer å lese forbi priser, å bygge en tilnærming eller plan for fremtiden . Sikkert, de fleste handelsfolk som ender opp med å gjøre det som en handelsmann, finner denne spesifikke studien av teknisk analyse til slutt, men det er vanligvis bare etter flere skuffelser og mislykkede forsøk på å bygge indikatorbasert stra Tegies som zig når markedet faktisk zags Så, vær så snill å la meg utdype på min tidligere uttalelse. Prisen handling vil aldri lyve for oss som handelsfolk, fordi det aldri har til hensikt å fortelle oss hva som vil skje, men heller det forteller bare oss hva som har skjedd . Det er en kløft av koble fra disse to lokalene. Som handelsmann vil du aldri vite hva som vil skje i fremtiden. En indikator eller indikasjon på hva som kan skje i fremtiden er bare en mulighet. Og selv da kan det være en ekstern mulighet i beste fall fordi den indikatoren du bruker - vel, det er egentlig bare en fin måte å se på tidligere pris handling. Så uavhengig av strategien er de samme kjedelige konseptene risiko, handel og pengestyring de største betydning for handelsmannen. Men etter det kan handelsmenn fokusere på å få sannsynlighetene på deres side så mye som mulig gjennom analyse, og det er her prishandlingen virkelig kan skinne. Fordi det igjen er en ren måte å se på fortid priser, w uten forvirring av en matematisk formel som kan skjule hva som skjedde i den siste tiden. Deretter er det fire enkle måter som handelsmenn kan bli bedre til å lese, reagere og analysere prishandlinger. Med hod 1 - The Prize Action Primer. Hvis du Jeg har vært i DailyFX de siste par årene, du har kanskje møtt en tidligere artikkel om prishandling Vi snakker om dette mye på grunn av alle de nevnte grunnene, og ganske enkelt - det virker ikke at det fungerer i å fortelle oss fremtiden, men det virker i å tillate oss å se fortiden så effektivt og ærlig som mulig. Metode 2 Gra de Trender ved å fokusere på svinger. En av de første søylene i tekniske analysesentre på det gamle ordtaket om trenden er din venn. Årsaken til dette går rett tilbake til en av de aller første tingene vi berørte på begynnelsen av denne artikkelen Fremtiden er virkelig uforutsigbar. Men trender finner sted av grunner, rett. Kanskje det var en QE-kunngjøring, eller en gjeldskrise - uansett hva som helst. th ei grunn, trender eksisterer mye som havets tidevann eksisterer. Og akkurat som svømmere i havet, er handelsmenn ofte best betjent ved å gå med strømmen. Fordi, hvis vi ser på handel som pessimistisk som vi kan, og vi antar at noen individuell handel er lik med å vende en mynt, da har vi 50 50 sjanse for pris å flytte opp eller ned, right. Well, hvis den forspenningen fortsetter, og videre - hvis vi handler i retning av denne forstyrrelsen, står det til grunnen til at vi kan begynne å flytte våre sjanser eller sannsynligheter for å lykkes litt bedre enn en 50 50 delt. Kanskje det er lite, kanskje så lite som 51 49 til vår fordel, eller 52 48 - men logikken er den samme. Hvis det som skjedde fortsetter å skje, jeg kan stå en bedre enn rettferdig sjanse til suksess. Hvis vi legger til sterk styring av penger, har vi nå en hel strategi. Tradere kan lese og måle trender ved hjelp av prisøkning. Vi utvider om dette emnet i vår Introduksjon til prishandling, men vi kan bare se på diagrammet for å påpeke trenden. Opptrender vil ofte bli fremhevet med høye høyder og lavere nedgang. Samtidig vil nedtendenser se lavere og lavere høyder. Og dette er i seg selv veldig kraftig, men det store spørsmålet du må spørre deg selv er om det er nok å bare kjøpe når prisene har flyttet høyere, eller å selge når prisene har gått lavere. Svaret er en definitiv nei Og årsaken er fordi vi igjen ønsker å prøve å få de beste mulighetene for suksess i markedet gitt informasjonen tilgjengelig for oss, og for det kan vi gå videre til neste metode. Metode 3 Bruk prishandling for å markere verdifull støtte og motstand. Det andre primære aspektet av teknisk analyse er støtte og motstand, og dette er en annen melding som studiet av priser kan bringe til oss. Perfekt svinger kan identifisere støtte og motstand i markedet. Lesing av svinger i markedet er en enkel måte å begynne å gjøre dette på. En sving kan ganske rett og slett klassifiseres som et bøyepunkt i markedet. Vi d har skrevet dette emnet i artikkelen Price Action Swings, og har lagt til en illustrasjon nedenfor for å markere dette punktet. Svingen i markedet er det punktet hvor etterspørselen oversteg tilbudet ved sving med lav innstilling, eller forsyningen sprang over etterspørselen en sving høy motstand før prisene gikk lavere. Tradere kan bruke disse gradvis høyere svinghøyde og høyere svinglag for å definere en trend. Hver av disse svinghøyde gir et poeng med støtte som handelsmenn kan se å kjøpe inn opp-trenden billig. Høyere swing-lows definere støtte i en up-trend. De kan også bruke gradvis lavere-lav og lavere høyder til denominate en down-trend Og selvfølgelig, hver av disse lavere sving - høye blir nivåer av motstand som handelsmenn kan bruke. Høyere svinghøyder definerer motstand i en down-trend. Vi kan til og med tauere i noen ekstra støtte - og motstandsstudier i et forsøk på å finne virkelig viktige nivåer. Psykologiske nivåer kan for eksempel være en flott måte o F peker ut svinger som kan ha litt mer betydning på markedet. Fibonacci kan være et annet fantastisk tillegg til prisaksjonen for å påpeke nivåer som andre handelsfolk kan se etter. Etter at handelsmenn kan identifisere svinger med støtte og motstandsbøyninger, kan handelsmenn da begynner å se for å kjøpe opptrender billig, ved eller nær støtte, mens forhandlere kan se for å selge kostnadseffektivt når prisene er i eller nær motstand. Som bringer oss til den eksakte oppføringen av handelen. Metode 4 Bruk pris Handlingsformasjoner for å gi til posisjoner. Etter at trenden er blitt identifisert, og etter at forhandlere har funnet støtte og motstand via svinger som vises på markedet, kan handelsmenn begynne å lete etter formasjoner for å bestemme når og hvordan man skal gå inn i stillinger. Det er ganske mange av disse der ute, og Vi har snakket om mange slike formasjoner de siste årene. Vi har nylig markert fem av de vanligste bearish reverseringsmønstrene i artikkelen, Trading Bearish Reversals . En Bearish Engulfing Mønster før en massiv flytte lavere. And, en favoritt av pris handling handelsmenn, kan pin bar tilby noen gode oppføring muligheter. Jeg vet at når jeg lærte pris handling, mye av det, i det minste i utgangspunktet følte veldig esoterisk Så i vårt konstante forsøk på å gi best mulig utdanning for våre handelsfolk, tilbyr vi mange prisbaserte webinarer hver eneste uke. Jeg gjør et webinar på DailyFX e uke. I dette webinaret ser jeg på ulike markeder for å vise hvordan handelsmenn kan integrere denne typen kunnskaper i et dynamisk miljø, og videre - hvordan man strategiserer med og rundt det. - Skrevet av James Stanley. James er tilgjengelig på Twitter JStanleyFX. For å bli med på James Stanleys distribusjonsliste, vennligst klikk her. DailyFX gir forex nyheter og teknisk analyse om trender som påvirker de globale valutamarkedene. Forex Price Action - Reading Language of the Market. Oppdatert 14. juli 2016 klokka 8 48 AM. Hoveddelen av denne teksten er ganske enkel. Vilkårene og beskrivelser som vi bruker er ofte selvsagt, og vi håper at selv noen som ikke har erfaring med handel, vil kunne forstå essensen av diskusjonen med litt innsats. Vi skal gå gjennom en rekke kjente tekniske mønstre. Det er imidlertid et poeng vi ønsker å klargjøre først. På ulike punkter i denne teksten snakker vi om en bullish eller bearish trend, eller bullish eller bearish handelsmenn som ønsker å ta prisen opp eller ned. Vilkårene bullish og bearish brukes i analogi med aksjemarkedet og har ingen egenverdi i forexmarkedet Når noen selger USDCHF-paret, er det for eksempel mulig å betrakte ham som en tyr og en bjørn samtidig. Når han selger paret, selger han CHF, og kjøper dollaren USD som et resultat, er han både en dollarbul og en francbærer samtidig. Og selvfølgelig er motsatt også sant Selv om vi er vant til at det alltid er et oksemarked i forex, transaksjonens dobbelte karakter betyr at det er al så et bjørnmarked parallelt. Så, de som kjøper aksjer i en amerikansk utveksling, er bullish på aksjer, men bearish på amerikanske dollar, per definisjon. Siden aksjer og valutaer er forskjellige aktivaklasser, ignorerer de fleste begynnelseshandlere dette forholdet, og bare vurdere aksjemarkedet aspekt av handel Du bør holde denne forskjellen i tankene mens du går gjennom teksten vår og tolker sporadiske referanser til okser og bjørker. Diverse trendmønstre. Disse med en kort erfaring med diagrammer vet at prishandlingen på en vanlig dag er svært uforutsigbar og volatil. Selv om langsiktige prisutviklingen er avhengig av økonomiske faktorer som ikke er tilfeldige, er kortsiktige priser avhengig av pengestrøm og posisjonering som er uavhengig av grunnleggende realiteter. For å utjevne de daglige fluktuasjonene i markedet, handlende har lenge brukt enkle linjer trukket på kaotisk pris handling, og disse linjene er kalt trend linjer. Trend linjer er linjer trukket mellom to Priser på et diagram Som begynnelsen og slutten av en trend er vilkårlig, er det mulig å snakke om en trend mellom noen to punkter på en hvilken som helst tidsramme. La oss se et eksempel. Som vi ser, avhengig av de ekstreme verdiene som er valgt, er det s mulig å definere mange mikro - og makrotrender på et gitt diagrammønster Mens noen trender er lengre varige enn andre, utelukker den fraktallignende naturen til prisdiagrammer en beskrivelse av en bestemt tidsperiode som kan utgjøre en referanseverdi for de mest pålitelige trendlinje For eksempel kan en tre timers lang trend høres ut som en kort og ubetydelig en, men hvis den brytes ned i dens 5-minutters lange trender og mønstre, er det ikke mindre komplisert enn en daglig eller ukentlig trend når det er fordelt på sine 30-minutters lange bestanddeler Det er mulig at trenden på en vanlig dag vil være en opptrending på et månedlig diagram, et utvalgsmønster på et ukentlig diagram, en nedgang i løpet av den siste uken, en kanal på et timeplan, og en flat konsolidering s det er vanskelig å finne kriteriet som vil hjelpe oss med å bestemme de pålitelige ekstremtallene for å tegne trendlinjer. For å overvinne dette problemet er vårt råd at handelsmannen unngår å forutse begynnelsen på en trend, og i stedet fokusere på de som allerede er sterke og å utvikle. Siden tekniske verktøy er utilstrekkelige for å identifisere en trend i de tidligste stadiene, må den tekniske næringsdrivende velge en trend som følger strategi, i stedet for en trend som søker one. The styrke av en trend kan måles i en rekke måter, hvorav noen er tekniske, mens andre er grunnleggende Generelt er en allment akseptert tommelfingerregel blant tekniske handelsfolk at jo oftere en trendlinje holder, desto mer pålitelig er det på samme måte, en lengre varighet er mer pålitelig enn en som har eksistert i en kortere periode Faktisk, jo lengre en trend varer, jo større er dens potensial for å utvikle seg til en boble, og dermed sikrere det er for kjøligere leder trendfølgere som vil avslutte det bare en stund etter at prisgrafen tar form av en parabola. I denne ukentlige oversikten over EURUSD-paret ser vi at mellom 2002 og 2005 holdt prisen en formasjon som presenterte en klar periodisk spiking mønster og var bare utvækst av den rådende trenden Men mellom høsten 2007 og sommeren 2008 utviklet et uregelmessig parabolisk pris mønster, som også hadde naturen av en boble, i det minste teknisk. Generelt ville den konservative handelsmannen ha sluppet trenden en kort stund etter utviklingen av det parabolske mønsteret Det har blitt gjort gode fortjenester, og siden trenden fortsetter å spike, og ugyldiggjøre signaler generert av de fleste tekniske verktøy, er det lite poeng i å engasjere seg i et farlig spekulativt spill. Det er ikke lett å identifisere bobler. med tekniske verktøy alene, men vi vil begrense vår diskusjon til tekniske tilnærminger i denne teksten. Det er ofte slik at jo lenger en trend varer, desto høyere er den s volatilitet vil være Siden tekniske strateger, og andre spekulanter favoriserer trender som varer lenger, vil en lengre varig trend fungere som en støvsuger for alle slags individer som uttrykker en mening til fordel for trenden bare fordi andre gjør det også. Som sådan spillerne har liten forståelse for årsakene til en trend, de er mer tilbøyelige til å slutte sine stillinger som svar på kortsiktige svingninger som utdyper disse svingningene, og dermed øker volatiliteten til slutt i de senere stadiene av trenden går disse aktørene utover de som vet hva de gjør det, og det er også fasen der trenden blir en boble. Basert på alt ovenfor anbefaler vi at næringsdrivende velger trender som gir et klart og visuelt identifiserbart prismønster med en umiskjennelig retning til det. Lavere volatilitet er et tegn på at trenden er i et relativt tidlig utviklingsstadium, og er sikrere å utnytte. En trend med store svinger kan også utnyttes for r profitt, men er mer krevende på handelsmannens nerver. På den annen side kan store mottrendsvingninger i en solid og langsiktig trend utgjøre eksepsjonelt lønnsomme utgangspunkter, dersom det følelsesmessige aspektet av handel er mestret. Boblende trender er farlige fordi de store prissvingninger gjør det svært vanskelig å skille mellom en vanlig mottrendenes bevegelse som utgjør en handelsmulighet, fra boblefallets eventuelle sammenbrudd, som utgjør et ekstremt ødeleggende scenario for trenderfølgeren som forsøker å satse i harmoni med trenden s generell retning Det er derfor vi anbefaler å delta i parabolske prisbevegelser. I denne teksten vil vi undersøke downtrends og uptrends, og vil da vise oppmerksomhet mot trendkanaler. Nedtreden og utløp. En opptrinn er en situasjon der konsensus fra markedsdeltakere tar prisene høyere på lengre sikt Med andre ord, i løpet av trenden kan budene fra kjøperne ikke oppfylles av offen rs av selgerne, og prisen er drevet høyere som et resultat. Ideelt sett er hver suksessiv høy høyere enn den forrige, og noen ganger er hver etterfølgende lav også høyere enn den som ligger foran den. Det er unødvendig å si at slike perfekte mønstre er sjeldne, og generelt må næringsdrivende foreta noen vilkårlig avgjørelse om gyldigheten av trenden utover signalene som genereres av prishandlingen. I timekartet over EURJPY-paret ovenfor ser vi en svakt skrå trendlinje som trekkes tre ganger av den utviklende opptrenden Hver gang trendlinjen overlever et angrep fra selgerne, så er det troverdighetens troverdighet, som oppfattes av de ulike spekulative aktørene i markedet, økende, og det gjør også volatiliteten, som et resultat. Som vi ser, så snart trenden ble etablert rundt 1. april ved å overleve det første angrepet av selgerne, flere og flere handelsfolk ble med i handlingen, og forårsaket en brattere helling på prisdiagrammet. Til slutt returnerte prisen og rørte den timetrenden, som kjøpesenteret klarte ikke å få nok fart for å lage en mini-boble. En downtrend er det motsatte av opptrenden, hvor markedskonsensus favoriserer selgerne på lengre sikt. Kjøperne kan ikke kjøre langsiktige mønstre på prisdiagrammet, og hver etterfølgende lav er lavere enn den forrige, mens suksessive høyder er registrert også ved lavere verdier. I dette eksempelet ser vi den svært volatile daglige nedgangen i USDJPY-paret. Treningslinjen ble truffet fire ganger, og etter den tredje ble en kortvarig parabolbevegelse de meget lange røde lysene rundt 15. august skapte en kort boble som også signaliserte slutten av den korte daglige trenden. Reaksjonen til kjøperne var rask og sterk, og etter noen svingninger brøt prisen ut av downtrend-linjen og rallied. The lengre sikt som vi nevnte ovenfor er lang bare når det gjelder diagrammets periode. For eksempel er en tre-timers lang trend på et fem minutters diagram en langsiktig trend, akkurat som en trend som varer i ett år på et daglig diagram Selvfølgelig vil prishandlingen på slike forskjellige tidsperioder avvike sterkt med hensyn til fundamentet, men de er de samme som teknisk analyse. Et viktig poeng å huske er at trendlinjen er trukket over prishandlingen i en downtrend, og den er trukket under prishandlingen i en uptrend. Trend Channel. En trendskanal er en ganske vanlig og forutsigbar formasjon som oppstår når prishandlingen er begrenset mellom to parallelle linjer. Trenden er kanskje en uptrend eller downtrend, men de gjentatte forsøkene fra førerne av trenden til å bryte ut av det området som er angitt av kanalen, mislykkes gjentatte ganger, og skaper kanalmønsteret. Les mer om rekkeviddehandel. Vi kan tenke på kanalens øvre og nedre grense som dynamiske støtte - og motstandslinjer som justeres ettersom prisen utvikles i en bestemt retning. For eksempel, i en uptrend-kanal, kan kjøperne flytte prisen høyere, men deres eksube rance kontrolleres av en bestemt gruppe selgere og profitttakere som lager en midlertidig motstandslinje som ikke kan brytes av kjøperne. Det motsatte gjelder når kanalene er en del av en downtrend. Som med trendlinjene vil en kanal tiltrekke flere handelsmenn hver gang den holder på parallelle støttestrenger og motstandslinjer I motsetning til trendlinjen er det imidlertid svært enkelt å identifisere en boblende trend som vokser ut av en kanal, fordi brudd og sammenbrudd av mønsteret er umiskjennelig. I dette daglige diagrammet av EURUSD-paret ser vi en utviklingskanal mellom begynnelsen av februar 2007 og midten av juni i samme år. Kanalen testes tre ganger på den øvre og tre på den nedre linjen, og til slutt bryter ned ettersom selgerne midlertidig klarer å overvelde kjøpernes bestemmelse I denne perioden utgjorde hver av de flere testene både i øvre og nedre linjer gode handelsmuligheter. I begynnelsen av mars var kanalmønsteret tydelig identifiserbart. Obviou sløv, hovedproblemet med handel med kanalen er vanskeligheten med å identifisere hvor og når mønsteret vil bryte ned. Siden det i de fleste tilfeller ikke er mulig og spesielt for kortsiktige trender, må næringsdrivende beskytte sin posisjon ved et nøye plassert stoppested rekkefølge som vil likvide posisjonen hvis det foreligger klare tegn på brudd eller hvis svingningene blir for vanskelige og kostbare for å imøtekomme. Kanalen består av parallelle trendlinjer, men det er også et utvalgsmønster , including technical indicators, can be utilized to analyze and understanding channels too Consolidation patterns, ranges, and channels are all prone to breaking down in the aftermath of violent breakouts, and the trader should keep this fact in mind when deciding on leverage, trade size , and capitalization. Head and Shoulders Patterns. The head and shoulders pattern is one of the reversal patterns In other words, it indicates that the ongoing price action is in peril of reversing direction at least on a temporary basis But while this is so, as with most technical patterns and indicators, it can arise in situations that have no relationship with a reversal, and the trader must make sure that he confirms his reversal scenario with data from other sources and indicators. In general, the head and shoulder pattern is similar to a triple top or bottom formation In a triple top or bottom, the price attempts to break out of a support or resistance line three times, and in each case the attempt results in a failure In the head and shoulders formation, the second of the three tops or bottoms appears to break out of the support or resistance line, but eventually falls back as the price action fails to generate enough momentum As it can be seen in the following charts, the pattern vaguely resembles the head and shoulders of a human being. As we mentioned, the head and shoulders formation often signifies a reversal, but by definition it also necessitate s the existence of a new trend high What is the cause of this Let s examine the chart below to discuss this. As we see in this example, the slightly irregular shoulders of the price action slopes with angles below 45 degrees, indicating a trend that is sustainable On the other hand, the large spike in the middle, the head, resembles a parabola strongly As we had discussed before, parabolic price graphics are impossible to maintain in the long term, except under very unusual circumstances Thus, the head of the head and shoulders pattern represents a period of euphoria, indicating that the price action is developing in such a way that the inevitable reaction will necessitate a large swing which may well invalidate the previous trend Eventually, as the head is also completed, and the final leg of the formation develops, most of the traders abandon their effort to drive the trend to new heights, and the trend ends. The head is the most important component of this pattern, its form is usually unmistakable The shoulders can be one of the various possible triangle patterns, or they might be the part of a wider range pattern that develops along with the head and shoulders formation In either case, the identification of this pattern will depend on the mid-section, that is, the head of HS formation. One important point to be remembered when analyzing a head and shoulders pattern is that the signaled reversal may be temporary The development of this pattern consists of two periods when the various traders are speculating on a breakout, preparing themselves, but nobody in the market is willing to be the one who initiates it. Upward Head and Shoulders. There are two types of head and shoulders patterns, one of them develops in an uptrend, the other occurs in a downtrend While they are very similar in both appearance and function, we ll examine them separately for the sake of clarity. Towards the end of an uptrend, many traders will be unsure about driving the price higher, but there w ill not be enough of those who d want to take strong counter-trend positions either These traders, who are skeptical of the trend, but are unwilling to bet against the bullishness of the crowd, will instead choose to sell into strength, as the trend registers successive highs Eventually, as the see-saw play between the buyers and the sellers is close to culmination, the head and shoulders pattern may develop, indicating a temporary victory by the buyers who then drive the price to much higher levels, possibly breaking successive resistance lines in a bout of euphoria Unfortunately for some of them, the market is not yet ready to sustain such bullish energy, and soon enough, the price collapses, in downward v-reversal pattern, taking the quote back to the level of the shoulders As the buyers make one final attempt at rally, the second shoulder of the pattern is formed too, completing the last part of the HS formation, and eventually leaving the scene for a full-scale reversal. In this ho urly chart of USDCHF pair, we have outlined the development of the USDCHF pair with a large ellipse Starting from January 21st, the price keeps moving in a somewhat subdued uptrend which nonetheless keeps registering higher highs during its development After the early hours of January 22nd, however, a period of range trading ensues, lasting for a whole day, indicating the unwillingness of buyers to take greater risks in the direction of the main trend Once this range pattern breaks down, in the early hours of January 23rd, a small portion of buyers assume the control of the price, and the rally fuelled by their action takes the price from 1 152, to 1 17, a rise of about 200 points Unfortunately, we cannot be certain, but the volatile and sharp movement of the price indicates that the volume was contracting during this period too. As the inevitable reversal occurs, the ensuing price action is fast, sharp, and severe The buildup during the development of the head and shoulders pattern is unleashed in full power, as the price breaks all the resistance levels in a 300-pip downward move, erasing all the gains of the previous uptrend. Head and shoulders patterns absorb the tension in the market, and the ensuing formation usually shares some properties with ranges too As a result, and just as with the breakout from an ordinary range pattern, the end of a HS formation can be wild, swift, and powerful In order to avoid this problem, we may initiate our sell-order when the oscillators reach very low levels, and volatility is low. Reverse Head and Shoulders. The reverse head and shoulders pattern signals that an ongoing downtrend is in danger of reversal It is most often found at the end of a strong and long-lasting downtrend, where most market participants are confident that the prices will keep falling, but are also aware that the trend is developing too fast, and don t want to be the first to take risks In this case, the head of the formation is driven by panic selling although , due to the nature of the forex market, we might speak of overenthusiastic buying too The shoulders can be considered as a continuation of the ongoing trend, rather than saying anything about the ultimate outcome of the price action As usual, the head and shoulders pattern may ultimately be proven to be nothing but a temporary period of consolidation, and the prices may continue on the previous direction with hardly a pause. On this hourly chart of the USDCHF pair, the head and shoulders pattern, depicted by the large circle in the middle, signals the end of a previous downtrend Between 17th December, and 18th December, we see prices consolidating in an irregular formation which we choose to identify as the left shoulder of the HS pattern But this is clear in hindsight only At the moment, the traders would regard the price action as but a continuation of the downtrend prior to the development of the head and shoulders. Later, as the price makes one very sharp dive, and a similarly sharp spike a few hours later, we note the development of the head of the HS pattern This time, the indications are strong that the downtrend is in danger of being exhausted As we see on the graph, prior to the spike which erased all the gains of the downtrend, all the downward legs were final, and marked new lows of the trend. Finally, the right shoulder of the HS pattern develops between 18th and 19th December, and eventually the hourly downtrend ends as the price completes the reversal, and a long period of consolidation ensues in a triangle pattern that lasts between 19th and 23rd December. The reverse head and shoulders pattern is the exact opposite of the ordinary head and shoulders formation It is easy to interpret it on that basis, and we provide this example for the sake of clarity. A triangle is a closed formation where the range is not constant, unlike a true range pattern True triangles are created when the range gets increasingly narrower in time, the expanding triangle is the cas e where the range is wider Triangles that occur after a major spike in the market are classified as flags and pennants, depending on the shape of the eventual range pattern. Triangles are continuation and consolidation patterns they appear where the trend slows down, as the existing market participants reconsider their positions, readjust their plans, and await the entry of new money flows to decide on the next phase of the trend As the price moves to the upper line, also called the supply line, or resistance, the sellers are dominant, but when the price reaches the lower line, which is also called the demand line, or support, the buyers are dominant Consequently, the price oscillates between these two lines just as in a true range, but at the same time, the bounds of the range contract, increasingly resembling a consolidation phase. As continuation patterns, triangles can occur on any phase of the trend, but to see them develop in the aftermath of exhaustive, and sudden spikes is more u sual Under such circumstances, the triangle is defined as a pennant or flag, and is more reliable as a continuation signal. As with every other technical pattern, a developing triangle can be difficult to interpret in the absence of additional information provided by indicators, volume data, or fundamental factors To overcome this problem, stock market analysts will use the volume statistics provided by exchanges Unfortunately, due to the decentralized nature of the foreign exchange market, it is difficult to obtain market wide volume statistics, and many traders use option market positioning, such as the put call ratio, or the positioning of the major speculative actors in the market, as defined by the COT report, to overcome this aspect issue Of course, data derived from these sources is often lagged as a result, it can be used to confirm developments on a weekly monthly basis only. In this section we will discuss all the different kinds of triangles that can be encountered on a typica l day of trading It is common that a large triangle on a monthly, weekly, or daily chart consists of many shorter term trends and consolidation patterns The same graph may present us many different kinds of scenarios, depending on the time frame chosen. a Symmetrical. The first type of triangle that we ll examine in this text is the symmetrical triangle which represents the purest form of the triangle as a continuation pattern In this case, the price movements during the triangle fail to present any kind of scenario with respect to the bullish or bearish nature of the eventual breakout The sellers and buyers are close to a state of equilibrium, and neither side is willing to put too much money into a scenario that will favor a long term breakout of the triangle The behavior of technical indicators, such as moving averages, and most kinds of oscillators is also predictable they will enter a quiet hibernation phase during which all movements are subdued, and the amplitude of the oscillatio ns contract. Symmetrical triangles develop in quiet markets They are often seen during periods that lead to major news announcements, or when liquidity in the market is low Usually, the larger players will guard the upper and lower bounds of the triangle, leaving the smaller speculators and traders the task of driving the price action in between Of course, the smaller players are still very large in comparison to the capital of the retail trader, but in terms of the forex market, they are the smaller hedge funds, non-bank actors who are still bound to follow the desires of the largest commercial banks and government institutions. As with all triangles, the identification of this pattern is easy, and the positioning of stop loss or take profit orders is also straightforward As soon as a contracting range pattern is established, the trader can anticipate the formation of a triangle, and then test his assumption with the related technical tools. Let s examine this symmetrical triangle on the hourly chart of the USDCAD pair As we can see, after a brief spike on 8th April, 1 am, the price begins a six hour long downward movement, which culminates in the symmetric triangle which depicted in blue on our chart The slope of the demand line the lower side of the triangle is a bit steeper than the slope of the supply line, but the difference is not significant to justify the identification of an ascending triangle on this chart reflecting the confusing nature of the symmetrical triangle, the eventual breakout that comes at around April 9th is a false one, resembling an uptrend at first, but eventually reversing and completing a 130-pip movement to the downside between 1 am and 9 am These fake breakouts are very common with symmetrical triangles, and complicate the trading decisions. If we had entered a position here, it would need to be confirmed by some kind of crossover, and or extreme value on a range indicator, such as the RSI or Stochastics Better yet, we would await clear si gnals and a number of closing prices before we could commit our capital The symmetrical triangle is a difficult to interpret formation, and the directionless trading that may follow it often does not present the best risk reward potential for the beginning trader. b Expanding Triangle. During the development of most triangle patterns, indicators settle to tight ranges, and volatility is reduced The expanding triangle is the one exception to this rule where indicators become more and more unpredictable, the price makes wider fluctuations, and volatility keeps increasing as the bounds of the range expands. Unlike the other triangle patterns, the expanding triangle is a reversal pattern It is rare to find it during a continuation phase, and it certainly doesn t signify a period of consolidation Instead, the expanding triangle is often found accompanying double, triple tops or bottoms, where one side of the triangle remains somewhat static, as the other leg expands to the other side, dependin g on the nature of the trend It is a clear sign that the trend is running out of momentum, and that the traders see a large counter trend movement as more viable and logical than another leg in the direction of the existing trend. Expanding triangles can be classified further into the three usual symmetrical, ascending and descending patterns that we discuss in this section, but as the details are more or less the same, we will handle the subject without examining the various types of it. On this hourly chart of the USDJPY pair, we see the expanding triangle developing between 10 am on March 4th, and 5 am on March 5th Prior to the triangle, the price had made a very sharp and fast spike to the upside, but as the price action lost its momentum, the bullishness of the traders gave way to the increased volatility of the expanding triangle in which the price oscillated. As we can see clearly, the upper and lower bounds of the triangle are support and resistance lines which slope in opposing d irections, creating an expanding range beyond which a breakout is sought The highest price registered inside the triangle pattern is at around 99 70, hardly a very significant improvement on the first preceding leg of the trend, which had its maximum at around 99 43 And indeed, the expanding triangle does indicate a reversal here, and the eventual long red candles on our chart demonstrate the strength of the breakout. To trade the expanding triangle, we need to place our stop loss order on the supply or demand lines, depending on the nature of the trend For instance, if the trend is an uptrend, and we anticipate that the expanding triangle, as a reversal pattern, will culminate in a breakout to the downside, we ll place our stop-loss order on the supply upper line to protect our account from a violent and unanticipated breakout in that direction Of course, on a large scale expanding triangle in a monthly or weekly chart, it is equally possible to trade this pattern as a range we would b uy and sell at the support and resistance lines, using a range indicator like the RSI to time our trades. c Descending. A descending triangle occurs as a consolidation and continuation pattern during a downtrend, but it can also signify a reversal It is similar to the symmetrical triangle, however, unlike the complete indecision of market participants in the former, the descending triangle represents a scenario where the momentum of the sellers is stronger in comparison to that of the buyers Consequently, the lower lows that are created during the triangle s existence slope with a greater angle than the line that connects the successive highs. As with all continuation patterns, the descending triangle will cause volatility to decrease, as the indicators settle to relatively subdued levels, and money flows through Nonetheless, when one of the two sides of the triangle is sloping with an angle that is a lot greater than 45 degrees, it is possible that volatility be sustained during the deve lopment of the triangle, or even increase A developing triangle with high volatility may make false breakouts likelier, which the trader must recall while evaluating his trading options. On this thirty minute chart of the EURJPY pair, we see a strong upward movement which developed during the first half of February 19th settle into a descending triangle following a large spike at around 12 am February 19th The reaction at 20 30 was too strong for the buyers, causing the price to fall more than 100 points, at which point the two sides of the triangle became established As the price continued to oscillate between the two sides, the range kept contracting, until the triangle broke down before reaching the apex, and the trend also reversed its direction. Trading a descending triangle, we ll place out a take profit point on the side with the lesser slope, where we will enter out buy or sell orders Since we expect the eventual breakout to be to the downside, and because the lower lows of the d escending triangle follow the side with the steeper slope, we choose to use this edge as the take profit point. It is also possible not to trade the descending triangle itself, but to use it as an entry point for trades that will follow the main direction of the trend of which the triangle is a part We ll discuss all these matters as we examine various trading strategies based on the various types of triangles. d Ascending. The opposite of the descending triangle, the ascending triangle implies an eventual breakout that will continue an upward trend Since triangles are continuation patterns, the ascending triangle is usually encountered in an uptrend If it is found in a downtrend, it is regarded as a reversal signal The occurrence of an ascending triangle is rarer in a downtrend. During the development of the ascending triangle, traders are unwilling to sustain a major movement to the upside, as orders of the buyers are repeatedly exhausted by the sellers on the supply line On the other ha nd, the market consensus is more bullish than in a symmetrical triangle, and the demand line slopes with a greater angle in comparison to the the demand line As a result, when the angle approaches the apex point, there are more bullish traders than there are sellers, which results in the eventual upside breakout. The behavior of indicators during the development of the ascending triangle is more interesting than during a symmetrical triangle It is often the case that oscillators will keep registering higher values as the triangle pattern develops If a bearish divergence develops, with the indicator registering lower values in response to the higher prices on the demand line, the breakout may occur to the downside, or it may fail altogether, and disappear after a few up and down fluctuations. On this thirty-minute chart of the USDJPY pair we have highlighted the developing triangle pattern in blue At around 7 am on April 2nd, a major spike that takes the price up to 99 85 loses its moment um, but no major counter trend reaction develops, and a triangle pattern is established The lowest value of the triangle keeps climbing as time passes, but the upper side of the triangle remains more or less stable around 99 80 Eventually, as the buyers keep pressing on, and the triangle reaches the apex at around 3 pm on April 3rd, a very brief consolidation phase ensues, leading to a rather violent breakout which results in a 150 point rally with the maximum registered at around 101 340.This triangle was perfectly predictable, as it developed during an uptrend, and culminated with an upward breakout But this will not often be the case the trader must always remain alert to unanticipated developments that can be supplied by news or money flows In order to successfully trade this pattern, we d enter a buy order at around 99 30-35, in the early hours of April 3rd, as the developing triangle pattern is obvious and unmistakable The stop loss order would be rounded to 99 25, and the take p rofit order would be placed at the next fibonacci extension first leg of the ongoing uptrend It is also possible to avoid a take profit point altogether, and to place it once the momentum of the eventual breakout becomes better defined. Another of the continuation patterns, the flag is not a triangle, but since it is so similar to the triangle with respect to both its development, and breakdown, and also because its twin, the pennant is a triangle in both form and purpose, it is often considered as a part of that category. The flag is perhaps the purest of all continuation patterns Indeed, due to its ubiquity during the course of a trend, it could also be examined as part of the trend category The flag rarely results in reversals, is often brief, and coincides with calm and realignment among market participants Thus, we could notice successive flags between two very important news releases which are expected to confirm the ongoing trend Similarly, a long term trend can resemble a row of successive flags, as the price action appears to leap from one level to another, using the price pattern as if it were a ladder. Like the triangle, the development of a flag has three phases First, the price makes a strong and sharp move, and a brief period of consolidation ensues, as the body of the flag, which often looks like a parallelogram, is constructed Eventually, the price breaks out of this parallelogram, and continues its movement in the direction of the first move which preceded the creation of the flag pattern. Flags are associated with falling volume when they appear on stock charts As we noted before, it s not possible to obtain volume data in the forex market, as a result the trader must seek other sources of information to confirm his convictions about the developing flag pattern Options market data can be substituted for volume statistics, but such data is not available on hourly, or short term basis To overcome this problem, it is possible to seek flags outside of the busiest market hours since market volume diminishes outside of these periods usually, the trader can attach greater significance to flag patterns that occur beyond the most hectic phases of market action. On this hourly chart of the USDCHF pair, we notice a number of flag patterns developing between 11 am, April 6th, and 11 am, April 8th The first leg of this succession occurs during the spike that takes the price up to 1 1393, following which a horizontal, rectangular price pattern develops, confining the price action in a tight range After the price breaks out of this range, at around 10 pm April 6th, another sharp spike takes the price to 1 1473, after which another flag pattern develops, this time creating a clear parallelogram which we have highlighted with a circle After about ten hours of fluctuations within the confines of the patters, the price breaks out once more, again in the anticipated direction, and rises above 1 15.Once identified, it is fairly easy to trade the flag pat tern Since it s fairly regular, a wider than usual stop loss order, situated at either the upper or lower side of the parallelogram, can be utilized to better accommodate the random fluctuations of the price Depending on the value of indicators, are they extreme, or not the take profit order can be placed at the fibonacci extension of the trend s development so far It is also possible to avoid entering short term trades during the course of the flags since they confirm that the trend is ongoing, one could avoid trading the short term movements, and trade the main trend as long as the flags and similar reliable continuation patterns persist. As continuation patterns, pennants are similar to flags and other triangle patterns But they differ in their brief duration, and the lack of consolidation during their development In fact it is possible to consider the pennant as a straight horizontal line where the traders briefly mark the time, rather than doing anything that can influence the dire ction of trading. That the pennant follows a very sharp and swift movement of the price is its most important aspect Not only does the pennant develop in a very tight range by nature, but all the counter trend gains registered during its brief life are usually erased on the first movement of the price that negates the pennant Pennants develop even faster during a down trending market, as market actors try to close their positions and minimize profits as fast as they can But in all cases, the pennant is brief, swift, and relatively insignificant. Consequently, the best way to trade a pennant may be to use the period of its development to enter a new position in alignment with the main trend that was generated in the first place The pennant is probably not the best choice for either range trending or brief counter trend positioning. In this hourly chart of the EURJPY pair, we see an uptrend developing between 10th April, and around 12 00 am, April 13th Following the development of an expand ing triangle, the breakdown of which also brings the end of the uptrend, we see a new trend developing during April 14th and 15th This rapid and violent trend consists of a number of flags and pennants along with the usual spikes and collapses, and wherever a pennant is created, the ensuing collapse is rapid and possesses great momentum In many cases, the pennants develop so fast that it is not possible to speculate on when or how their termination will occur Technical indicators or patterns are not very helpful in evaluating such brief phases of the price, unless we re willing to shorten the time frame of our charts, and examine the subject in greater detail at a lower level. In light of the above discussion, we will use the pennant only as an entry point in the direction of the main trend The chart stop that we may use for such a position may be based on the extreme value of a trend indicator, or a moving average crossover at a shorter time frame than that of the chart we re trading S ince we anticipate that the next leg will be rapid and sharp, the placement of the take profit order can be delayed, but it is also possible to use the fibonacci time series, or the extension, to decide on where it will be.4 Bottom and Top formations. The basis of trading the multiple top and bottom formations is the premise that prices have memory In other words, the failure of the price to breach a price level signals that the traders will take note of this fact and will support that level once it is tested again We have discussed the issue of event string that possesses a memory, in the forex strategies section and the interested trader can read that part, and reach his own conclusions. The bottom and top formations appear easy to recognize, but in fact they are quite a bit more complex than many people take them to be Technical analysts simply count the number of times a price level fails to be breached in either direction, and define it as a top or bottom Although this is the purest form of defining top or bottom, it s also the most precarious, and error-prone way of doing so. These formations are usually accompanied by other consolidation or continuation patterns, including triangles that confine the price to a range Depending on the nature of the range, however, indicators can show wide fluctuations, and volatility can be high or low. The best way of trading the top bottom patterns is to couple our trading choices with some kind of periodic move on the indicators In other words, we should seek to confirm the repeated tops with repeated extreme values of the indicator, and attempt to establish some kind of relationship between the two, so that we only take the trades that offer the greatest profit potential Of course, on a long term chart, it would be even more beneficial to match our analysis with volume statistics from the options market, but when this is not possible, we can still add an extra dimension to our study by examining the width and duration of the sp ikes that occur as the pattern repeats itself. An important point to keep in mind when analyzing these patterns is that it s impossible to know where a double top or bottom will develop on the basis of location of the previous top While every now and then there are severe movements that indicate a potential double, triple, or quadruple bottom top for the price, it is not possible to decide when they will occur in the absence of data on order flows. a Double top. A double top is the most basic of these formations In this case, the trend attempts to erase a price level twice, and in both cases fails Many traders try to confirm the ultimate reversal of a long-lasting, strong trend with a double top or bottom in order to avoid the whipsaws and false breakouts associated with sharp, quick, but unconfirmed reversals. Usually, the first leg of a double top pattern is a v-reversal As buyers attempt to breach a particular price level, they are checked by a large number of sell orders which reverse the direction of the trend However, a short while later in terms of the chart period, six minutes, or six months later, for example , sellers yield the control of the trend back to the buyers and the price rallies, consequently, to test the resistance level which had managed to reverse the trend previously When the second attempt is made at a breach of the price level, the result is once again a failure, and as the buyers give up, the price moves downwards without a hindrance. Double tops can occur in upward or downward trends In a downward trend, the double top is a continuation pattern in the context of an uptrend, the pattern is a reversal formation In both cases, however, it is a good idea to confirm the potential reversal with data from other sources, be they fundamental or technical. Finally, let us take a look at a double bottom formation which resulted in a trend reversal. Between 23rd and 27th January 2009, the EURJPY pair rallies sharply to reach the 119 52 level, where the pric e action is halted, and the trend reverses Apart from the top formation that will be obvious a short while later, the reversal at this price level is a downward v-reversal pattern, indicating that the reaction was strong and decisive However, there are still enough buyers in the market to justify another attempt at breaching the 119 52 level, and consequently, a few days later, the price rallies and touches that level, but once again fails to break through the resistance line. At this point, the double top formation is obvious The price cannot sustain the highs, and a second downward v-reversal formation initiates a large downward phase of the trend which takes our price down to 113 140 in a rather large, but measured movement In this case, the trend reversal was indicated by the large double-top formation that developed during the course of two days, and was accompanied by two sharp downward v-reversal patterns When the preceding sharp upward trend is also taken into account, we can co nsider this a credible setup for a sell order. We would place our stop-loss order at the nearest Fibonacci extension of the price movement between 23rd January, and 27th January Our take profit movement would be at 61 8 retracement of the same movement. b Double bottom. A double bottom is the opposite of the double top formation The traders attempt to break out beyond an existing support line, but the attempt results in a failure. c Triple, quadruple, quintuple top. Triple, quadruple tops and those with a greater frequency occur at the end of trends, but they are most often found on the support and resistance levels that define a range In fact, although these patterns are rare during the course of a trend, they are natural and commonplace in ranges Consequently, their significance is much greater if they occur in a trending market. In a range, triple, quadruple tops and related formations indicate that there s a powerful layer of sellers at a price level, and that they are not impacted by th e short term changes in the situation of the market Rising or falling money flows, changes in volatility, and the entry of new players is not enough to dislodge these actors from their position It is often the case that those who guard the daily, or weekly price level at which the price creates multiple tops are large scale speculators or major commercial players with deep pockets and clout in the market Even at shorter periods, such as hourly, or 30 minute charts, the existence of a triple top is an indication that there s a deep, and layered stream of sell orders that cannot be broken down easily. When these formations occur in a trend, it is common that other reversal patterns, such as expanding triangles, head and shoulders patterns and v-reversals will also develop Coupled with these, the significance of the tops and bottoms is naturally greater, but even then, the development of the trend will not present sufficient clues as to facilitate predictions about the eventual direction o f the price. In a range, it should be clear to the trader that the best way of trading these tops or bottoms is to trade in harmony with them, and not to contradict them It is hard to predict when these patterns will break down, but since more and more traders take up the range trading opportunity every time a top or bottom is registered, the risk reward scenario often favors trading on the assumption that the resistance level will hold. In a trend, the scenario is a lot more complicated, and we must make our decisions on the basis of a careful risk reward analysis We ll examine this subject in other articles on this website. To illustrate our point, let s examine the graph of this hourly chart of the EURJPY pair As we observe, the very sharp rally from 114 230 up to 119 67 occurs in the course of just two days, but the volatility of the price action indicates that the total number of pips that the price has absorbed during the rise is even greater than this 500-point movement In short we have all the indications of an unsustainable, volatile spike that is in danger of culminating an equally violent reversal. Nonetheless, as with all sharp movements, the scenario created by this large spike remains valid for a long enough time to punish those reckless speculators who enjoy to bet on imminent reversals The 119 67 level is touched three times, but each time the buyers have to pull back, and a triple top is formed Needless to say, the highly volatile price action that followed the various attempts at breakout was very punishing on those who were on the wrong side. For trading this pattern, we d place our stop-loss on our sell order at a few pips above the resistance line, and our take-profit order would be at the 61 8 retracement level of the movement between 11 230 and 119 67.d Triple, quadruple, quintuple bottom. These formations are the mirror images of the triple, quadruple, quintuple top patterns, and can be interpreted accordingly. V-Reversal pattern. A reversal pattern is a very sharp price movement which occurs in the space of two bars, or a little more As a reversal pattern, it signifies the end of a trend, or at least the beginning of a major countertrend movement that will bring the price down to previously untested levels, and check the convictions of the main drivers of the price action As the two consecutive phases of this pattern present a picture that resembles the letter V, technical analysts call the scenario a v-reversal pattern. This pattern usually occurs when the price breaks out of a previously significant support or resistance line, and, in the absence of any further obstacles, registers new highs or lows one after the other, without being checked by any countertrend selling or buying Eventually, however, as the price action seems more and more like a bubble, volume falls, and the number of traders driving the trend forward is also reduced Finally, and usually at a price level where there s a significant number of limit orders, the no w thin advance of the trend is checked severely, and a very violent countertrend movement ensues, as the actors driving the trend are forced to take profits, or quit with losses, and a reversal is confirmed. The V-reversal pattern is thought to be a powerful signal which can indicate a major reversal of the ongoing price trends However, a careful examination of the charts shows us that the formation is in fact quite common, and the distinction between a valid, credible reversal and a temporary, or fake one is arbitrary As usual with technical patterns, the reversal scenario must be confirmed by other, less common technical phenomena, such as a divergence, or an extreme value in one of the indicators As a result, the best course in evaluating a v-reversal pattern is to confirm it by use of other indicators. Finally, this pattern may be interpreted differently depending on the underlying price action that precedes and follows it For example, a reversal pattern following a consolidation or continuation pattern may not present the same technical picture as that created by a v-reversal pattern that comes after a long lasting, and powerful trend In general, the longer, and more powerful the preceding period, the more credible a sharp and fast v-reversal pattern is. a Downward reversal pattern. A downward v - reversal pattern occurs in an uptrend, and represents a bubble, and its collapse In this case, the buyers are so confident in their ability to sustain the trend that they throw all caution to the wind, and keep buying the pair as it registers new highs one after the other On a long term chart, such a situation is usually accompanied by declarations of a new era by the news media and some analysts When such a bubble like situation develops on the hourly charts, it is only noted by traders, but the nature of the price action is the same. Of course, one-sided markets do not last forever, and when the exuberance and euphoria that drive the uptrend to successive new highs breaks down, the reaction by the sellers is reinforced by profit taking, and margin-call related selling by the buyers, and a severe and sharp upward movement ensues This sharp upward movement, and the ensuing collapse are termed an downward reversal pattern by technical analysts. Let s examine this on a chart. In this hourly graph of the USDJPY pair, we notice a sharp movement upwards, following a consolidation period between 13th February, and 17th February 2009 Until the price reaches the resistance line at 92 7, a series of five hourly spikes keep driving the price higher, and all the indicators that measure overbought oversold conditions lose their significance and value Eventually, when the 92 7 point is reached, there s a large wave of selling triggered by the exhaustion of the buyers, probably joined by opportunistic selling by short term speculative players The result is a downward v-reversal which develops in several legs in about 7 hours, taking the price back below 91 7.As it can b e seen on the chart above, the reversal pattern necessitates little guesswork on the part of the trader during its development The price movement is sharp, decisive, and unmistakable It is obvious that a sell order is the necessity here On the other hand, the eventual direction of the price action after the v-formation is far from being clear And indeed, in our example, all that can be said is that the v-reversal in our scenario precedes a period of directionless, volatile trading. b Upward reversal pattern. An upward v-reversal pattern presents the culmination of an uptrend The v-reversal pattern has two phases, the first is in line with the main uptrend, and is usually sharp, and swift The second phase is a counter trend, and leads to a breakdown of the technical picture While discussing the downward v-reversal, we had noted that the first leg of the V was a short or long term bubble In the case of the upward v-reversal pattern, the first leg represents a panic phase But due to the dua l nature of all trades in the currency markets, however, the panic phase corresponds to a bubble phase for those who are on the opposite side of this trade. Let s take a look at an example of the upward reversal pattern. In this hourly chart of the USDJPY pair, we see an ongoing downtrend between March 26th, and March 30th of 2009 culminating in a downward v-reversal During the run from 98 720 to 95 87 where the downtrend reached its extreme value, the direction of the trend was clear most upward movements were erased by engulfing candlesticks and the brief flags or range patterns that arose were erased by the momentum of the downtrend During 29th March, the momentum of the price movement strengthened even further, creating a very clear parabolic pattern, at the end of which the upward v-reversal was finally realized. Following the last leg of the downtrend, with most indicators registering extreme values, the buyers moved back in to the market in a measured manner, eventually negating al l the losses of the price in two days The upward movement of the price finally stopped around 99 09, after which a period of range trading and consolidation ensued. In trading this v-reversal pattern, we d await the confirmation of the reversal by the appearance of a number of green candles on the price chart The take-profit value of the trade would be at the 38 2 or 50 percent fibonacci retracement of the downtrend, while stop-loss order would be at 95 87, the previous low of the downtrend. Support and resistance lines. Support and resistance lines are price levels where an ongoing trend goes through a temporary or permanent reversal If the main trend is upward, and the price movement is halted, the level at which this pause occurs is termed a resistance level Conversely, when the trend is downward, and the movement is reversed or halted by bids at a price level, that price level is called a support. These levels represent clustered limit orders which exhaust the buy or sell orders of the trend s drivers In other words, as market buy orders are placed, driving the price higher, and also triggering previously placed limit-buy orders on their path, a price level is reached where the buyers or sellers in the market cannot exhaust the bids or offers, depending on the nature of the obstacle This could be because the trend runs out of momentum even as the price registers new highs and divergences appear on the indicators, while volume falls, or money flows decelerate , or because there are too many limit orders at a price which even a strong and healthy trend with good momentum is unable to exhaust In either case, the previously mentioned price levels are called support or resistance lines, as multiple attempts to breach them fail. Support and resistance lines are ubiquitous on the charts, but many of them are caused by the random fluctuations of the price, rather than a truly significant cluster of orders in either direction In order to gauge the importance of a support or r esistance level, the technical trader will count the number of times it resisted attempts of breakout, and classifies the levels in accordance. One very important rule about support and resistance lines is their chameleon nature When a support line suffers a clear breakdown, it will act like resistance level if the price action attempts to move above this level in the future Similarly, when the price breaks out of a resistance line, it will act as a support line when the sellers attempt to drive the quote back below the price resistance. Let s take a brief look at these lines and how they develop. In this four-hour chart of the GBPUSD pair, we note a very sharp spike which takes the price from around 1 38 up beyond 1 45 in about a day The first attempt to breach the major support line at 1 445 is successful, and the price manages to hold on to this previous resistance line as a support during the ensuing countertrend movement However, the brief but large momentum of the trade is exhausted already, even as the price holds above the newly created support line during the many attempts to breach it by sellers which last for more than a week Eventually, we see a somewhat difficult to identify head and shoulders pattern developing, with the reversal breaking the support line, and sending the price down. In this hourly chart of the GBPUSD pair, we have indicated a major resistance line with the red horizontal line We observe that this hourly resistance level was checked five times at various points, and that all the attempts were failures Only around midnight on April 2nd, was a significant breach of the resistance line achieved, but the breakout was invalidated as more and more sellers forced the price back under the resistance line Naturally, when the breakout did occur, it was sharp and powerful, with the price rallying strongly, with the resistance line also acting as a support level when the sellers attempted to check the strength of the ongoing uptrend, as observed on th is chart. a Sideways trend, consolidation. A consolidation pattern, or a sideways trend occurs when the price settles into a relatively tight range between a support and a resistance level, and remains there for a long time A true consolidation pattern usually lasts more than ten bars at the very least, but as with all rules in technical analysis, it is possible to identify consolidation phases that last much shorter Still, in this text we ll examine the true consolidation pattern which lasts long, reduces volatility significantly, and is confined between a support and resistance level. As its name suggests, the pattern represents a phase during which volume falls, money flows diminish, and the indicators all retreat to the signal line, or the center value For example, the Williams oscillator approaches zero, while the RSI settles at a level close to 50 In its purest form the consolidation pattern represents a frozen market where the ongoing trade activity is netted out, that is, buyers a nd sellers are in complete equilibrium Such a situation is very rare in the markets, and of course it cannot be maintained indefinitely When the pattern breaks down, the ensuing price movement is rapid, with volatility, and volume increasing in harmony. Consolidations usually occur as the market awaits news releases or important economic data that can have an important impact on the future price trends Traders are nervous and indecisive, but this attitude is not born of any misgivings on the strength or justification for the ongoing trend itself Instead, attention is directed to the market-moving data and the aim is to maximize profits, as soon as the other market s expectations are confirmed by the developments. In this hourly chart of the EURCHF pair, we notice the price fluctuating between 1 457, and 1 483, as shown by the horizontal red lines As a range pattern, the price action is not very volatile, but we still do not see the very subdued price movement that represents a true conso lidation pattern Yet, as we move further to the right on the chart, between 10th March 9 am, and 12th March 9am, when the price registers a massive breakout, we see both the stochastics indicator, and the price settle to a very subdued pattern which signifies that the upward movement from the support level at 1 457 is going through a consolidation phase The value of the stochastics indicator settles around 50, as seen on the chart. When the eventual breakout occurs, it s very violent and rapid, and fully confirms our expectation that the price action following a true consolidation phase will be rapid, sharp, and powerful It is highly likely, judging from the nature of the spike and its duration, that the catalyzing news flow confirmed the expectations of the market, with the traders moving very fast to capitalize and build up on their positions. b Range patterns. Now that we know what a support and resistance line are, we can discuss the ranges formed by the price fluctuating between two such levels Range patterns are created when there s no overwhelming opinion among market participants on where the price should be headed Consequently, money flows, buy and sell orders are in equilibrium with each other, but this situation becomes established only at the support and resistance lines themselves Otherwise, during the oscillations inside the confines of a range pattern, the equilibrium is disrupted, and the price can move in either direction depending on the usual market dynamics. As ranges develop, indicators also establish an oscillating pattern The best way of exploiting this situation is to identify the bounds of the range on the price chart, and to couple that with confirmation signals received from the indicators Sometimes the breakdown of the price range is coupled with a divergence between the price action, and the indicator the trader should do his best to capture such developments. It is often said that range patterns provide the greatest risk reward potential for traders, as the entry and exit points are clearly defined, and the volatility in between allows the realization of maximal profits The certainties that a strong range pattern offer to the trader are undoubtedly useful, but the problem is with identifying these formations before they have already broken down. How to identify a profitable range pattern with technical tools There s no method which can create constantly profitable results, but there are a few principles that will help you reduce the risk of a false trade Most traders won t trade a range unless it is confirmed with at least one candlestick in the direction of the anticipated reversal at the support or resistance lines For example, when the price fails to breach a previous top that defines the limit of the range, the trader will await confirmation through a large bearish candlestick which will confirm that the trend has reversed It is also possible to use the Fibonacci retracement levels for trading inside the range, without worrying about the resilience of the support or resistance lines that define the range formation itself. We have studied this chart before, but because the formation is so clear, we will use it once more while discussing the range pattern It is an hourly chart of the EURCHF pair, showing one breakout that connects two successive ranges During the first range which develops between March 4th and March 12th, we note the price moving with a gentle slope and mild speed between the two support and resistance lines at 1 457, and 1 4836 The upper and lower limits of the price action support resistance lines, in other words are touched five times during this pattern, and the final, 5th one results in a breakout which takes the price to much higher levels in a short time. Not only does the breakout eliminate a previous range pattern, as seen on the lower part of the chart, but once the sharp movements of the breakout die out, the resulting formation is another range pattern too You can try to dr aw the support and resistance lines on the chart visually, if you like, as a kind of exercise Thus, in this case, the price has been leaping from one range to another, consolidating before going on with its movement The second range formation on the upper side of the chart also resembles a flag pattern, but we cannot be sure of that, since we don t know what happened in the aftermath of the second range breakdown. c Breakouts. After discussing the various range patterns, consolidations and continuation formations, we can now briefly examine breakouts As we all know, no support or resistance line will be capable of halting the price action indefinitely, and no range pattern can remain valid forever Sooner or later, the range will be breached either upwards or downwards, and the price will keep registering new lows or highs Breakout is the name given to this process, where the range breaks down, the price jumps in a fast and sharp movement, and sometimes price gaps occur. Breakouts are not predicted, but confirmed by indicators such as the Bollinger band, as volatility increases, bullish or bearish crossovers occur, range patterns break down, and the price begins a rapid movement to either side While it may be possible to anticipate that a breakout will occur, in the absence of special situations like divergences, it is very difficult to anticipate the direction of the breakout For example, on a day with an important news release, everyone knows that a breakout is highly likely at around 8 am New York time, but few can be confident about the direction. Breakouts are like double-edged swords The violent nature of the price ensures that both the risk and reward will be equally high. Let s examine the breakout on one of the previously studied charts. On this beautiful hourly chart which offers a very clear breakout between two successive range patterns, we notice the price leaping from 1 4836 right up to 1 5304, as the previous range that had constrained the price action break s down We note that the stochastics indicator prepared the breakout by moving from a level around 50 to 30 just prior to the violent price movement, and then moved to a value close to 90 as the breakout ran its course We also note that the price is squeezed in a very tight range before the breakout. In comparison, the above is an exceptionally clear-cut sample, and it is unusual to find such a well-defined pattern on the charts where the breakout is prepared clearly, and occurs with great power, as the price action never looks back In many cases, we must use our own judgement, and make some arbitrary choices before the reliability of the pattern is established. Exploiting this breakout, we d place our stop loss order at a value below 50 on the stochastics indicator, and our take profit order would be placed at between 80 and 90 on the same chart, in order to profit from the price action to the maximum extent. On a concluding note, let us note that the various technical patterns which we h ave discussed here do not provide us infallible solutions to our problems In many cases, we need confirmation from different technical or fundamental sources before we can establish credible scenarios that can be acted upon As this text aims to present technical solutions to the problem of identifying credible profit loss opportunities, we have not concerned ourselves with the various fundamental approaches to the problems discussed. What is the use of these patterns They are used to analyze market psychology during the different phases of a trend Although market psychology is volatile, and unreliable as a guide of market direction, it s the only force deciding short term events, and the only tool the trader has with any kind of predictive capability in that time frame. It is possible to have a descending triangle as a continuation pattern on an uptrend, as a reversal pattern on a downtrend, as well as a reversal pattern on an uptrend It is important to keep in mind that the descriptions in this text are all generalizations. In this article we have gone through a number of well known technical patterns For further reading. Risk Statement Trading Foreign Exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors The possibility exists that you could lose more than your initial deposit The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. What is Price Action Analysis. My definition of Price Action Analysis Price action analysis is the analysis of the price movement of a market over time By learning to read the price action of a market, we can determine a market s directional bias as well as trade from reoccurring price action patterns or price action setups that reflect changes or continuations in market sentiment. In simpler terms Price action analysis is the use of the natural or raw price movement of a market to analyze and trade it This means, you are making all of your trading decisions based purely on the price bars on a n aked or indicator-free price chart. All economic variables create price movement which can be easily seen on a market s price chart Whether an economic variable is filtered down through a human trader or a computer trader, the movement that it creates in the market will be easily visible on a price chart Therefore, instead of trying to analyze a million economic variables each day this is impossible obviously , you can simply learn to trade from price action analysis because this style of trading allows you to easily analyze and make use of all market variables by simply reading and trading off of the price action created by said market variables. How do you apply price action analysis to the Forex market. First, I want to say that price action analysis can be used to trade any financial market, since it simply makes use of the core price data of the market However, my personal favorite market to trade is the Forex market, mainly due to its deep liquidity which makes it easy to enter and exit the market, and also because the Forex market tends to have better trending conditions as well as more volatility which makes for better directional trading and allows price action trading to really shine. My own personal approach to trading and teaching price action trading is that you can trade effectively from a few time-tested price action setups There really is no need to try and trade from 25 different price patterns, the Forex market moves in a relatively predictable fashion most of the time, so all we need is a handful of effective price action entry setups to give us a good chance at finding and entering high-probability trades. The f irst thing you need to do to apply price action to the Forex market, is to strip your charts of all indicators and get a clean price chart with only the price bars in a color you like I choose simple black and white or blue and red for my colors, but you can pick whichever colors you like Part 7 will cover an introduction to charting Here s an example of my daily chart setup on the EURUSD. Now, let s look at an example of a clean and simple price chart next to a price chart covered with some of the most popular indicators that many traders use I want you to look at these two charts and think about which one seems easier and more logical to trade off of. From looking at the two charts above, you will probably agree that it seems a little silly to hide the natural price action of a market with messy and confusing indicators All indicators are derived from price movement anyways, so if we have a solid method to trade based only on price movement price action analysis , it only makes sense t hat we would use that instead of trying to analyze messy secondary data. Next, let s discuss how we can use price action analysis to find entries into the Forex market from a raw price chart As a result of years of trading the markets I have boiled down all I have learned into my own unique method of trading with price action This method consists of a handful of very specific price action entry triggers that can provide you with a high-probability entry into the market Essentially, what we are looking for is reoccurring price patterns that tell us something about what the market might do in the near-future. For purposes of brevity and out of respect for my paid members, I won t give away all of my trading strategies and entry triggers here, but you can learn more about the trading strategies that I teach in my trading course In the chart below, we are going to look at a particularly good price action signal for trading with trends the inside bar strategy. In the example chart below, we ca n see one price action trading signal that I like to use in trending markets the inside bar setup. How to use price action analysis to determine a market s trend. You will probably come across many different indicators designed to tell you what the trend of a market is However, the most time-tested and trusted way for determining a market s trend is simply to look at the daily charts and analyze the market s price action To identify a downtrend, we look for patterns of lower highs and lower lows, sometimes annotated by LH and LL To identify an uptrend, we look for patterns of higher highs and higher lows, sometimes annotated by HH and HL. In the example chart below, we can see examples of a downtrend, an uptrend and an uptrend changing to a downtrend. Where and when should you trade a price action signal. In my trading course I focus heavily on teaching my members how to trade with confluence When I say trading with confluence I am basically referring to looking for areas or levels in the market that are clearly significant Confluence means when things come together or intersect Thus, when we are looking to trade with confluence we are trying to put together an obvious price action signal with a significant level in the market There are different factors of confluence that we can watch for, but in the chart below I am showing you price action setups that formed at key support and resistance levels in the market support and resistance are each a factor of confluence Note, I have shown you two more price action setups in the chart below the pin bar strategy and the fakey trading signal. In the example chart below, we are looking how to trade price action setups from confluent levels in the market. This lesson gave you a basic overview of what price action analysis is and how to use it in the markets From here, you should proceed to the next part of this beginner s course and continue learning about Forex and price action trading As always, if you have any questions about trading just email me here and if you want to learn more about how to trade with price action then checkout my price action trading course for more info. Syllabus Of All Chapters. 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High Risk Warning Forex, Futures, and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you You must be aware of the risks of investing in forex, futures, and options and be willing to accept them in order to trade in these markets Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for a ll investors Please do not trade with borrowed money or money you cannot afford to lose Any opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice We will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information Please remember that the past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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